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Things you should know
Earn 1.50 Flight Centre Rewards for every NZ$100 spend on Standard Purchases (excludes cash advances, balance transfers, fees, interest charges & quasi-cash transactions). Earn 3.00 Flight Centre Rewards for every NZ$100 spent in-store or online at a New Zealand Flight Centre store. When redeemed, every 1.00 Flight Centre Reward earned will equate to NZ$1.00 credit towards your Flight Centre Mastercard account.
A minimum purchase amount may be required. An Establishment fee of $55 applies to your first LTF transaction, a $35 Advance Fee applies to all subsequent LTF transactions. Standard Interest Rate, currently 24.99% p.a. applies to any outstanding balance at the end of a payment holiday or interest free period. Lending criteria, fees, terms and conditions apply. Rates and fees correct as at date of publication, subject to change.